If I Could Turn Back Time

 In Featured Stories

Age 16, Michigan, USA

It all started about a month ago. Things were going so well for us. We had been dating for almost 6 months when you started pushing me away. I could tell something was wrong, but you wouldn’t talk to me. You left me wondering what was wrong, and all I could think of was the worse possible things.

As much as a I wanted to know, you wouldn’t tell me. I figured I would find out for myself, but that didn’t work. You figured out what I was up to and you got mad. After that you broke up with me.

I wanted to help you W, but you had pushed me away.

Later that week, I got a call from your parents that broke my heart. They had found you that morning in your room. You were no longer with us.

You wrote them a note saying you had been bullied and couldn’t take it anymore. You wanted to spare my feeling and thought it would be better to break up before you left. You thought it would give me closure.

I wish you thought you could come to me with your problems so I could help you.

I wish that the people who hurt you would have just left you alone.

We could have still have been together.

Not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you and wish that things would have turned out differently.

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